
Main Commercial

Making Film

"Protect from out!" "Rescue the earth!"

The environment of the earth is getting damaged and this threatens humans. The ozone depletion, the global warming and the harmful effect caused by man-made radioactive contamination are paying human back. The unforeseen rapid climate change of the earth and contagious diseases are threatening human life even more. The main philosophy of BC is protecting the human being and healing the wounded earth from the environmental issues.

"Bionicovered" is a combination of "Bionic" and "Covered". "Bionic" means the human in narrow senses and the human being who wishes to overcome the environmental issues and to coexist with nature in broad senses. "Covered" means the protective shield protecting human from the threatening external environment and implies the healing and the coexistence from nature. Nature is like the mother's arms and the foundation of human life. "Bionicovered" is for keeping the precious nature and humans from damaging each other.


Product composition


innovative fabric / insane detail / signature design


high functional fabric / minimal detail / classy & sustainable design


eco friendly & wearable fabric / essential detail / identity design by label


designed with campaigning graphics (protect the earth) or experimental eco-friendly elements.

Copyright © 2022 Bionicovered All Rights Reserved.


상 호 명 : 비씨프로젝트 (BC PROJECT)
대 표 자 : 박성진
사업자번호 : 639-60-00398
통신판매업 : 제2020-서울동작-1564호
사업자주소 : 서울 동작구 현충로 52 아크로리버하임 104동 상가 20호
이메일주소 : boxjin@bionicovered.com
대표연락처 : 02-3280-2234

Social Media

Copyright © Bionicovered, All Rights Reserved.


상 호 명 : 비씨프로젝트 (BC PROJECT)
대 표 자 : 박성진
사업자번호 : 639-60-00398
통신판매업 : 제2020-서울동작-1564호
사업자주소 : 서울 동작구 현충로 52 아크로리버하임 104동 상가 20호
이메일주소 : boxjin@bionicovered.com
대표연락처 : 02-3280-2234

Social Media

Copyright © Bionicovered, All Rights Reserved.